
“Warning, No Signal”

07/05/2020 -  Nikos Morfonios

Only 30 km of the whole rail network in Greece has functioning train traffic lights. The installation of new European Train Control System has derailed in the country because of mismanagement – costing tens of millions of public funds and several fatalities

More and more school trips to the Balkans

15/04/2020 -  Marco Abram

Are the histories of the former Yugoslavia and Albania finally entering Europe’s space of memory? A constantly increasing number of Italian school trips to the region gives us reason to hope so

Timber mafia and deforestation in Romania

06/04/2020 -  Christoph Lehermayr - Sebastian Reinhart - Johannes Kaiser

Virgin forests in Central-Eastern Europe are the last remaining ones on the continent, yet they are being mercilessly torn down. Part of this multi-billion euro industry is a mafia-like system; Austrian timber companies are right at the heart of it

COVID-19: dealing with gaps in the data

25/03/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Since the data available on the coronavirus pandemic is patchy and incomplete, it needs to be approached with caution and an awareness of what it can – and cannot – tell us about the deadly virus

Greece’s deadly rail tracks

12/03/2020 -  Ilias StathatosNikos Morfonios

Greece takes the bloody lead in terms of deaths and injuries in rail accidents in the EU, with about 25 victims per year. Problems are mainly caused by unsafe level crossings, poor infrastructure and traffic management systems, and understaffed companies

Railways in Greece: poor service, no competition

12/02/2020 -  Eleni Stamatoukou Thessaloniki

Passenger train services are heavily subsidised in Greece, taking advantage of loopholes and delays allowed by EU law. A new memorandum signed by the government keeps state aid and TrainOSE’s monopoly in place, despite the fact that many routes are not operated and citizens are not happy with the service

The energy transition yet to come

06/02/2020 -  Gianluca De Feo

The European Union wants to abandon coal by 2050, but this will require significant help from European banks, which still finance 26 per cent of all coal power plants in the world

How the Greek policy on migration is changing

04/02/2020 -  Eleni Stamatoukou Thessaloniki

Greece has a new center-right government since summer 2019. More and more controls and constraints are imposed on asylum seekers: the government claims that the system will become more efficient, but some organisations are unconvinced

Six graphs to show how affordable and fast trains in Europe are

23/01/2020 -  Journalism++

Where in Europe is taking the train fast and affordable, and where is it not? The European Data Journalism Network has gathered data on train journeys from 28 booking websites across Europe, collecting more than 8,000 single journey ticket prices and travel times for 73 sample routes

The problem with refugee camps in Greece

14/01/2020 -  Eleni Stamatoukou Thessaloniki

More than 100,000 migrants and refugees are still present in Greece. Many of them live in refugee camps, which are not appropriate accommodation solutions because of their location in faraway, poory connected areas