
How many Bulgarians live in Europe?

09/10/2019 -  Yoanna IvanovaZornitsa StoilovaAnina Santova

Bulgaria is experiencing massive flows of emigration. Yet, not everyone goes away for the same reason, or moves to another EU country with the same life plans

Croatia: those who leave

19/09/2019 -  Francesca Rolandi

While Croatia may be a paradise for tourism, actually living and working there is a lot more difficult. Croatian workers move abroad in large numbers: a phenomenon rooted in a combination of both long-term and short-term factors. An analysis

48 questions about Europe, data and journalism


The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) launches a survey to understand how data can improve the way journalism reports about Europe

Local authorities confronting climate change

05/09/2019 -  Nicolas Kayser-Bril

For most of Europe, 2018 was the hottest year since 1900, and 2019 could even be worse. But how are local authorities preparing to adapt and respond to the climate crisis? An investigation by the European Data Journalism Network

EU cohesion policy: winners and losers under the new criteria

13/08/2019 -  Niccolò Donati

The European Commission aims at modifying the criteria governing the distribution of funds under the EU's cohesion policy. Greece, Bulgaria and Romania will be among the main winners, while the Visegrad group countries and the Baltics will lose out

Tampons are subject to the same VAT regime as tobacco and wine

07/08/2019 -  María Álvarez Del VayoEva Belmonte

Since 2007, the EU allows member states to reduce the so-called Tampon Tax. But half of the countries, including Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania, continue to apply a general VAT rate on such products

The art of slow travel

30/07/2019 -  Jacopo Ottaviani

It was 1972 when the first 87 thousand Interrail tickets were issued by rail companies in various European countries. Today, forty-seven years after its foundation, more than ten million people have chosen Interrail

EU: doors closed to the Balkans

16/07/2019 -  Ornaldo Gjergji

Last June, the European Council dealt another blow to the hopes of Albania and North Macedonia for the opening of EU accession talks. For the other Balkan countries, the situation isn’t much more encouraging.

Yemen, an European war

20/06/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić Zagreb

By providing weapons to parties in conflict in Yemen, Europeans have a responsibility in the war that has claimed more than 10,000 lives in four years. Being one of the main European exporters of arms, Croatia shares this reponsibility

What’s going on with abstention in Europe?

22/05/2019 -  Lorenzo FerrariJacopo Ottaviani

In the 2014 European elections, only 42.5 percent of people eligible to vote participated. From the economy to migration, by way of defence and climate change, European questions are now central to the public debate however